Detention at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive! :)
Look who was there with me :L
I forgot this picture even existed!
This was my friend Steve's amazing way of saying
"Fuck off, Owey. Harry is more important. He
leaves this year!" I was like, :O "Excuse me!?"
Miss had gone to get her lunch, so we just chilled
until she came back :D
I used to get babysat by Harry's mum, Anne Cox when I was like 4, Harry was 6. We used to play Action Man and Army together, it was fun. Jemma, Harry's sister, used to make me stand still and force make-up onto me. I was 4! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THAT SHIT WAS GONNA DO!
I still remember our legendary picnics in West Park in Macclesfield. One time, we were in the castle in the trees at West Park and I tried to jump over the gap inbetween the walls, where the archway was and ended up breaking my collarbone... -_-
I know, right?
Oh, well... haha
Bye everyone! Here's a 1D song to say goodbye with :)
Goodbye! :P :P :P :P