Wednesday, 22 February 2012

My World Is Just As Real As Yours! You Just Can't Handle The Truth!

Mothers... What is their problem? It's as if they were put on this Earth to reproduce and then make their offspring out to be the worst children in the world, while still trying to make out they are the best mother. They tell us we're living in a dream world when we find someone that makes us happy, they say things that make us doubt our decisions, just to make us upset so that they can act like we're three and mollycoddle us... Seriously! It's getting old!

I'm about to reach 16 and I have met this amazing guy, we've known each other for a year and a half and we've decided to get married. Not right away, obviously but in the future, if we are still together. (which I hope we are)

Two little brats at my freestyle dance group like to go to my mother and spread secrets that I share with others, (while they eavesdrop) or tell them in confidence, to her. Today, I announced my engagement to my dance group and told these two snot-nosed, little demons to keep this information quiet because I was going to tell my mother when I felt that there was little chance of my and my boyfriend splitting up, as I don't exactly have a good track record of 3 failed engagements.

I like to be ready for an argument, to prepare myself for the damage but when two little gossips make my mother demand to see my ring, which I had taken off by then anyway, so she couldn't actually see the ring. She then told me that I had no friends, because I don't bring any home... Duhh, I have you as a mother, why would I torture my friends with your presence?

We get home and I end up being the mature one again, because as soon as we enrter the house, my mother retreats to the living room and ,literally, slams the door in my face.

I love my mother but sometimes it seems like I'm the parent, grow the fuck up woman! You're 39, act yopur age and not your shoe size. I'm your almost 16 year old son!!!!

Now here's a song that made me feel better:

Anyways, I've been going through a lot of shit this past few months and I'm not sure how to cope with it, plus pre-exam stress, plus dozens of coursework assignments, plus psych-therapy.

Now, on to a few pictures that made me giggle...

And Finally, on to the video that made me cry with laughter :D

This was soooo funny :L

Friday, 10 February 2012

What's the deal with School Uniforms?

The Uniform at our school is plain. It consists of a black blazer, a black jumper and black trousers and we must wear plain black shoes. It's boring... but we're all used to it.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Random title, I know. Who cares...? NOT ME!

You should all be very aware that I am EXTREMELY judgemental of people. Some may call me a bitch, I call it strongly opinionated.


Don't you just hate it when you're in the middle of a class and your teacher suddenly turns on you, spewing out some demented bullshit about you drawing in class, when there is a full-on elastic band war going on behind you that he is oblivious to. I say "Sir... Who the FUCK do you think you are?!"

At break today, there was this guy, totally gorgeous and obviously gay. Every girl I talk to about it gives me a filthy look or a comment like "You're fucking insane... or just stupid." but I'm a stereotypical gay and a judgemental bitch, which means two things; One - I've got a fabulous sense of fashion. and Two - I have awesome gay-dar. He was looking at me with a nonchalant expression on his face, like he had no idea what to think of me, then again, everyone does that. I'm the obvious, dramatic capital G-A-Y gay and my best friends are the hot straight guys who play football and badminton... He was looking at me as if to say, how do you do it or something. I just looked at him, smiled, waggled my fingers and turned away.

The word FRIEND is used too often. I hate it. People are bitches (not the nice type, like me) that think that the world revolves around them, they are surrounded by 'FRIENDS' at all times. These people are not friends, they are followers. They will follow anyone with a superiority complex (much like sheep with a ram)
One day, someone will come along, knock you off your pedestal and steal your fan-club away. You are a FAD! A CRAZE! Nothing special. GET OVER IT!!!!!

Bullies at my school, leave Ebony alone. I hear that she has a bit of a schnozz, I mean... I wouldn't know because, like Medusa, I avoid having any type of eye contact with her. Maybe she likes having an enormous beak... maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. I am from Tintown, you know where that is Pop-n-Fresh? It's on the wrong side of Congleton. I will cut your ass to shreds with the razor blades I hide in my pubic hair. I will torch your ass with the countless number of coloured lighters in my endless collection. I will fuck you up so badly that the doctor will not know how it happened and your own mother won't be able to identify the body. Leave Pinnocchio girl alone.

I am an impulsive bitch, which means that if you cross me, I act on my inner feelings, which usually are anger and frustration and will lead to me ripping out your tongue with a blunt pencil.

Sweet dreams guys!

Your Seedy Conversationalist.