I'm about to reach 16 and I have met this amazing guy, we've known each other for a year and a half and we've decided to get married. Not right away, obviously but in the future, if we are still together. (which I hope we are)
Two little brats at my freestyle dance group like to go to my mother and spread secrets that I share with others, (while they eavesdrop) or tell them in confidence, to her. Today, I announced my engagement to my dance group and told these two snot-nosed, little demons to keep this information quiet because I was going to tell my mother when I felt that there was little chance of my and my boyfriend splitting up, as I don't exactly have a good track record of 3 failed engagements.
I like to be ready for an argument, to prepare myself for the damage but when two little gossips make my mother demand to see my ring, which I had taken off by then anyway, so she couldn't actually see the ring. She then told me that I had no friends, because I don't bring any home... Duhh, I have you as a mother, why would I torture my friends with your presence?
We get home and I end up being the mature one again, because as soon as we enrter the house, my mother retreats to the living room and ,literally, slams the door in my face.
I love my mother but sometimes it seems like I'm the parent, grow the fuck up woman! You're 39, act yopur age and not your shoe size. I'm your almost 16 year old son!!!!
Now here's a song that made me feel better:
Anyways, I've been going through a lot of shit this past few months and I'm not sure how to cope with it, plus pre-exam stress, plus dozens of coursework assignments, plus psych-therapy.
Now, on to a few pictures that made me giggle...
And Finally, on to the video that made me cry with laughter :D
This was soooo funny :L